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❤️ Maki Tsuji 🐌

"is a Japanese speed skater. She competed at the 2011, 2013 and 2014 World Sprint Championships, and at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. References Category:1985 births Category:Japanese female speed skaters Category:Speed skaters at the 2014 Winter Olympics Category:Olympic speed skaters of Japan Category:Speed skaters at the 2011 Asian Winter Games Category:Speed skaters at the 2017 Asian Winter Games Category:Living people "

❤️ Tamdrin Wangmo Kelzang Chokyi Nyima 🐌

"Jetsunma Tamdrin Wangmo Kelzang Chokyi Nyima (1836–1896) was a Tibetan Buddhist teacher and vajramaster. She was taught by her father Kunga Richen, her brother Dorje Rinchen, and her paternal uncle, Pema Dudul Wangchuk. She received the three vows (prātimokṣa, bodhisattva and tantric) from the abbot of Sakya's Lhakhang Chenmo, Tashi Chopel. Later she was taught by the Fifty- third Ngor Khenchen, Jampa Kunga Tenpai Lodro, who gave her the complete Lamdre Lobshe as well as the major empowerment of the forty-five deities in Vajramāla, Hevajra, Vajrayoginī of the Nāropa tradition, Vajrakīlaya, Mahākāla Daṇḍa, Vajrapāṇi Bhūtaḍāmara, and Kurukulle. She taught her brother and other disciples. Upon her death she was given similar honors as the male lineage holders of the Khon family, as she had been in life, and a life-size silver Nāropa Vajrayoginī with gilded gold and inlaid with precious gems was made as her reliquary. She is considered by the Sakya tradition as an emanation of Vajra Nairātmyā and Vajravārahī. References Category:Tibetan Buddhists from Tibet Category:1836 births Category:1896 deaths Category:Tibetan women "

❤️ William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute 🐌

"The William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute is a research institute in the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering. FTPI was largely the work of physics Professor Emeritus, Stephen Gasiorowicz and University alumnus and Twin-Cities real-estate developer William I. Fine.UMN, CSE Inventing Tomorrow, Spring/Summer 2008, Vol. 32, 2., P.32-33 The Institute officially came into existence in January 1987.Symmetry Magazine, August 2007 FTPI faculty consists of seven permanent members: Andrey V. Chubukov, Alex Kamenev, Keith Olive, Maxim Pospelov, Mikhail Shifman, Boris Shklovskii, and Mikhail Voloshin as well as postdoctoral and graduate students.William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute People The William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute has on Oversight Committee consisting of ten members.William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute People OSC The Oversight Committee is the board of directors that make decisions concerning the staffing and budgeting of the Institute.Physics Today, February 1991 Outreach The Misel Family Lecture Series The Irving and Edythe Misel Family Lecture Series, hosted by FTPI, invites physicists from around the world to the University of Minnesota to discuss physics with the general public. It is funded by a generous gift from the Edythe and Irving Misel family. The list of the Misel Lecturers to date is: 2006: Frank Wilczek (2004 Nobel Prize in Physics), 2007: Leo Kadanoff (1980 Wolf Prize), 2008: Jim Peebles (2019 The Nobel Prize in Physics and 1982 Heineman Prize), 2009: Helen Quinn (2000 Dirac Medal), 2010: N. David Mermin (2010 Majorana Prize), 2011: Roger Blandford (1998 Heineman Prize), 2012: John Ellis (2005 Dirac Medal), 2013: Eric Cornell (2001 Nobel Prize in Physics), 2014: Andrei Linde (2012 Fundamental Physics Prize), 2015: Joseph Polchinski (2008 Dirac Medal and 2017 Fundamental Physics Prize), 2016: John Preskill (member of the National Academy of Science), 2017: Wendy Freedman (2016 Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics), 2018: Nergis Mavalvala (2017 Carnegie Corporation of New York Great Immigrants award recipientCarnegie Corporation of New York and 2014 NOGLSTP LGBTQ Scientist of the Year), and 2019: Charles Marcus (2018 National Academy of Sciences).National Academy of Sciences)William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute Misel Visitor Program FTPI has a worldwide reach. The Institute has hosted over 800 individual researchers, from institutions in more than 18 different countries, for working visits of one day to six months.UMN, CSE Inventing Tomorrow, Spring/Summer 2008, Vol. 32, 2., P.32-33 Workshops FTPI hosts up to three workshops per year for physicists from around the world.William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute Workshops This includes the 2013 CAQCD meeting which was special because it was the tenth meeting in the series. The proceedings of the previous conferences – they are held biannually – reveal the developments of QCD and related theories from the early 1990s.CERN Courier, 2013 As well as a workshop in October 2000 celebrating 30 years of supersymmetry.CERN Courier, 2001 Awards Current and former faculty members of FTPI have been honored with a number of prizes and awards. Keith Olive is a current Distinguished McKnight University Professor of PhysicsUMN Distinguished McKnight University Professor and was awarded the 2018 Hans Bethe Prize.APS Prizes and Awards Former faculty, Leonid Glazman was a McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair.About FTPI Boris Shklovskii is the recipient of the 1986 Landau Award UMN School of Physics and Astronomy Faculty Awards and the 2019 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize.2019 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Former faculty,Arkady Vainshtein and Mikhail Shifman were awarded the 2016 Dirac Medal and Prize.Dirac Medallists 2016 Andrey V. Chubukov was awarded the 2018 John Bardeen Prize.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Honors and Awards, Bardeen Prize Three faculty members have been awarded the Sakurai Prize: former faculty, Arkady Vainshtein (1999), Mikhail Shifman (1999), and Mikhail Voloshin (2001).APS Sakurai Prize former faculty, Arkady Vainshtein (2005) and Mikhail Shifman (2013) received the Pomeranchuk Prize.ITEP Pomeranchuk Prize Mikhail Shifman was honored with the Lilienfeld Prize (2006),APS Lilienfeld Prize and elected as Laureate of Les Chaires Internacionales de Recherche Blaise Pascal (2007).UMN Physics Awards Former member Anatoly Larkin was awarded the Fritz London Memorial Prize in Low Temperature Physics (1990),Duke Physics Fritz London Memorial Prize the Hewlett Packard Europhysics Prize (1993),APS Physics the Lars Onsager Prize in Theoretical Statistical Physics (2002)APS Lars Onsager Prize as well as the Bardeen Prize for Superconductivity (2004).Bardeen Prize Funding The William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute is financed from a combination of private and University funds.Physics Today February 1987 In the world of fundamental-science research institutes, FTPI is, for its part, something of an oddity. While most such organizations are large, National Science Foundation-funded enterprises, Minnesota's FTPI was created in large part out of the generosity of a single private donor, and it is dedicated to the research efforts of its members.Mpls-St. Paul Magazine 1999 The United States Department of Energy ER40823 grant is mutually submitted between the Department of Physics at the University of Minnesota and FTPI. This grant is entitled "Experimental and Theoretical High Energy Physics" and helps to support faculty and postdoctoral salaries.DOE Grant Funding References External links *William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute Homepage Category:University of Minnesota Category:Research institutes in the United States Category:Physics institutes Category:Theoretical physics institutes "

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