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"Joey DeMaio (born 6 March, 1954) is an American bass player and main songwriter for the heavy metal band Manowar which he founded in 1980. He is also the founder and CEO of Magic Circle Music. Biography He is a childhood friend of Manowar singer Eric Adams. DeMaio played bass in several school bands. In the 1970s he toured with the musical Godspell (premiere in 1971 in New York City), taking musical lessons with the conductor.Michael Custodis, chapter: Manowar und das Erbe Richard Wagners, in: Klassische Musik heute. Eine Spurensuche in der Rockmusik, Bielefeld transcript-Verlag 2009 He worked as a pyro-tech for Black Sabbath during their "Heaven and Hell" tour. In 2006, shortly after creating the record label Magic Circle Music, he became a manager of the Italian metal band Rhapsody of Fire. He is also a producer for the band HolyHell. See also *Manowar discography References External links * Official Manowar website Category:Living people Category:People from Auburn, New York Category:Auburn High School (Auburn, New York) alumni Category:American rock bass guitarists Category:American heavy metal bass guitarists Category:American male bass guitarists Category:Musicians from New York (state) Category:American people of Calabrian descent Category:Manowar members Category:1954 births Category:Guitarists from New York (state) Category:American male guitarists Category:20th-century American guitarists Category:20th-century American bass guitarists Category:21st-century American bass guitarists "
"In thermodynamics, the Onsager reciprocal relations express the equality of certain ratios between flows and forces in thermodynamic systems out of equilibrium, but where a notion of local equilibrium exists. "Reciprocal relations" occur between different pairs of forces and flows in a variety of physical systems. For example, consider fluid systems described in terms of temperature, matter density, and pressure. In this class of systems, it is known that temperature differences lead to heat flows from the warmer to the colder parts of the system; similarly, pressure differences will lead to matter flow from high-pressure to low-pressure regions. What is remarkable is the observation that, when both pressure and temperature vary, temperature differences at constant pressure can cause matter flow (as in convection) and pressure differences at constant temperature can cause heat flow. Perhaps surprisingly, the heat flow per unit of pressure difference and the density (matter) flow per unit of temperature difference are equal. This equality was shown to be necessary by Lars Onsager using statistical mechanics as a consequence of the time reversibility of microscopic dynamics (microscopic reversibility). The theory developed by Onsager is much more general than this example and capable of treating more than two thermodynamic forces at once, with the limitation that "the principle of dynamical reversibility does not apply when (external) magnetic fields or Coriolis forces are present", in which case "the reciprocal relations break down". Though the fluid system is perhaps described most intuitively, the high precision of electrical measurements makes experimental realisations of Onsager's reciprocity easier in systems involving electrical phenomena. In fact, Onsager's 1931 paper refers to thermoelectricity and transport phenomena in electrolytes as well known from the 19th century, including "quasi-thermodynamic" theories by Thomson and Helmholtz respectively. Onsager's reciprocity in the thermoelectric effect manifests itself in the equality of the Peltier (heat flow caused by a voltage difference) and Seebeck (electrical current caused by a temperature difference) coefficients of a thermoelectric material. Similarly, the so-called "direct piezoelectric" (electrical current produced by mechanical stress) and "reverse piezoelectric" (deformation produced by a voltage difference) coefficients are equal. For many kinetic systems, like the Boltzmann equation or chemical kinetics, the Onsager relations are closely connected to the principle of detailed balance and follow from them in the linear approximation near equilibrium. Experimental verifications of the Onsager reciprocal relations were collected and analyzed by D. G. Miller for many classes of irreversible processes, namely for thermoelectricity, electrokinetics, transference in electrolytic solutions, diffusion, conduction of heat and electricity in anisotropic solids, thermomagnetism and galvanomagnetism. In this classical review, chemical reactions are considered as "cases with meager" and inconclusive evidence. Further theoretical analysis and experiments support the reciprocal relations for chemical kinetics with transport. For his discovery of these reciprocal relations, Lars Onsager was awarded the 1968 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The presentation speech referred to the three laws of thermodynamics and then added "It can be said that Onsager's reciprocal relations represent a further law making a thermodynamic study of irreversible processes possible."The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1968. Presentation Speech. Some authors have even described Onsager's relations as the "Fourth law of thermodynamics". Example: Fluid system = The fundamental equation The basic thermodynamic potential is internal energy. In a simple fluid system, neglecting the effects of viscosity the fundamental thermodynamic equation is written: :\mathrm{d}U=T\,\mathrm{d}S-P\,\mathrm{d}V+\mu\,\mathrm{d}M where U is the internal energy, T is temperature, S is entropy, P is the hydrostatic pressure, V is the volume, \mu is the chemical potential, and M mass. In terms of the internal energy density, u, entropy density s, and mass density \rho, the fundamental equation at fixed volume is written: :\mathrm{d}u=T\,\mathrm{d}s+\mu\,\mathrm{d}\rho For non-fluid or more complex systems there will be a different collection of variables describing the work term, but the principle is the same. The above equation may be solved for the entropy density: :\mathrm{d}s = (1/T)\,\mathrm{d}u + (-\mu/T)\,\mathrm{d}\rho The above expression of the first law in terms of entropy change defines the entropic conjugate variables of u and \rho, which are 1/T and -\mu/T and are intensive quantities analogous to potential energies; their gradients are called thermodynamic forces as they cause flows of the corresponding extensive variables as expressed in the following equations. The continuity equations The conservation of mass is expressed locally by the fact that the flow of mass density \rho satisfies the continuity equation: : \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + abla \cdot \mathbf{J}_\rho = 0, where \mathbf{J}_\rho is the mass flux vector. The formulation of energy conservation is generally not in the form of a continuity equation because it includes contributions both from the macroscopic mechanical energy of the fluid flow and of the microscopic internal energy. However, if we assume that the macroscopic velocity of the fluid is negligible, we obtain energy conservation in the following form: : \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + abla \cdot \mathbf{J}_u = 0, where u is the internal energy density and \mathbf{J}_u is the internal energy flux. Since we are interested in a general imperfect fluid, entropy is locally not conserved and its local evolution can be given in the form of entropy density s as : \frac{\partial s}{\partial t} + abla \cdot \mathbf{J}_s = \frac{\partial s_c}{\partial t} where \frac{\partial s_c}{\partial t} is the rate of increase in entropy density due to the irreversible processes of equilibration occurring in the fluid and \mathbf{J}_s is the entropy flux. The phenomenological equations In the absence of matter flows, Fourier's law is usually written: : \mathbf{J}_{u} = -k\, abla T; where k is the thermal conductivity. However, this law is just a linear approximation, and holds only for the case where abla T \ll T, with the thermal conductivity possibly being a function of the thermodynamic state variables, but not their gradients or time rate of change. Assuming that this is the case, Fourier's law may just as well be written: : \mathbf{J}_u = k T^2 abla (1/T); In the absence of heat flows, Fick's law of diffusion is usually written: : \mathbf{J}_{\rho} = -D\, abla\rho, where D is the coefficient of diffusion. Since this is also a linear approximation and since the chemical potential is monotonically increasing with density at a fixed temperature, Fick's law may just as well be written: : \mathbf{J}_{\rho} = D'\, abla(-\mu/T) ! where, again, D' is a function of thermodynamic state parameters, but not their gradients or time rate of change. For the general case in which there are both mass and energy fluxes, the phenomenological equations may be written as: : \mathbf{J}_{u} = L_{uu}\, abla (1/T) + L_{u\rho}\, abla (-\mu/T) : \mathbf{J}_{\rho} = L_{\rho u}\, abla (1/T) + L_{\rho\rho}\, abla (-\mu/T) or, more concisely, : \mathbf{J}_\alpha = \sum_\beta L_{\alpha\beta}\, abla f_\beta where the entropic "thermodynamic forces" conjugate to the "displacements" u and \rho are f_u=(1/T) and f_\rho=(-\mu/T) and L_{\alpha \beta} is the Onsager matrix of transport coefficients. The rate of entropy production From the fundamental equation, it follows that: :\frac{\partial s}{\partial t}=(1/T)\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+(-\mu/T)\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} and :\mathbf{J}_s=(1/T)\mathbf{J}_u+(-\mu/T)\mathbf{J}_\rho=\sum_\alpha \mathbf{J}_\alpha f_\alpha Using the continuity equations, the rate of entropy production may now be written: :\frac{\partial s_c}{\partial t}= \mathbf{J}_u \cdot abla (1/T)+\mathbf{J}_\rho \cdot abla (-\mu/T)=\sum_\alpha \mathbf{J}_\alpha \cdot abla f_\alpha and, incorporating the phenomenological equations: :\frac{\partial s_c}{\partial t}= \sum_\alpha\sum_\beta L_{\alpha \beta}( abla f_\alpha)\cdot( abla f_\beta) It can be seen that, since the entropy production must be greater than zero, the Onsager matrix of phenomenological coefficients L_{\alpha \beta} is a positive semi-definite matrix. The Onsager reciprocal relations Onsager's contribution was to demonstrate that not only is L_{\alpha \beta} positive semi-definite, it is also symmetric, except in cases where time- reversal symmetry is broken. In other words, the cross-coefficients \ L_{u\rho} and \ L_{\rho u} are equal. The fact that they are at least proportional follows from simple dimensional analysis (i.e., both coefficients are measured in the same units of temperature times mass density). The rate of entropy production for the above simple example uses only two entropic forces, and a 2x2 Onsager phenomenological matrix. The expression for the linear approximation to the fluxes and the rate of entropy production can very often be expressed in an analogous way for many more general and complicated systems. Abstract formulation Let x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n denote fluctuations from equilibrium values in several thermodynamic quantities, and let S(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n) be the entropy. Then, Boltzmann's entropy formula gives for the probability distribution function w =A\exp(S/k), A=const, since the probability of a given set of fluctuations {x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n} is proportional to the number of microstates with that fluctuation. Assuming the fluctuations are small, the probability distribution function can be expressed through the second differential of the entropy :w=\tilde{A}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\beta_{ik}x_ix_k}\, ; \;\;\;\;\ \beta_{ik} = \beta_{ki}= -\frac{1}{k}\frac{\partial^2 S}{\partial x_i \partial x_k}\, , where we are using Einstein summation convention and \beta_{ik} is a positive definite symmetric matrix. Using the quasi-stationary equilibrium approximation, that is, assuming that the system is only slightly non- equilibrium, we have \dot{x}_i=-\lambda_{ik}x_k Suppose we define thermodynamic conjugate quantities as X_i=-\frac{1}{k}\frac{\partial S}{\partial x_i}, which can also be expressed as linear functions (for small fluctuations): X_i= \beta_{ik}x_k Thus, we can write \dot{x}_i=-\gamma_{ik}X_k where \gamma_{ik}=\lambda_{il}\beta^{-1}_{lk} are called kinetic coefficients The principle of symmetry of kinetic coefficients or the Onsager's principle states that \gamma is a symmetric matrix, that is \gamma_{ik}=\gamma_{ki} Proof Define mean values \xi_i(t) and \Xi_i(t) of fluctuating quantities x_i and X_i respectively such that they take given values x_1,x_2,\ldots at t=0 Note that \dot{\xi}_i(t)=-\gamma_{ik}\Xi_k Symmetry of fluctuations under time reversal implies that \langle x_i(t)x_k(0)\rangle=\langle x_i(-t)x_k(0)\rangle = \langle x_i(0)x_k(t)\rangle or, with \xi_i(t), we have \langle\xi_i(t)x_k\rangle=\langle x_i\xi_k(t)\rangle Differentiating with respect to t and substituting, we get \gamma_{il}\langle\Xi_l(t)x_k\rangle=\gamma_{kl}\langle x_i\Xi_l(t)\rangle Putting t=0 in the above equation, \gamma_{il}\langle X_lx_k\rangle=\gamma_{kl}\langle X_lx_i\rangle It can be easily shown from the definition that \langle X_ix_k\rangle=\delta_{ik}, and hence, we have the required result. See also * Lars Onsager * Langevin equation References Category:Concepts in physics Category:Laws of thermodynamics Category:Non-equilibrium thermodynamics "
"A 1922 cover page The National Police Gazette, commonly referred to as simply the Police Gazette, was an American magazine founded in 1845. Under publisher Richard K. Fox, it became the forerunner of the men's lifestyle magazine, the illustrated sports weekly, the girlie/pin-up magazine, the celebrity gossip column, Guinness World Records-style competitions, and modern tabloid/sensational journalism.Reel, Guy (2006). The National Police Gazette and the Making of the Modern American Man, 1879-1906.Chudacoff, Howard P. (1999). The Age of the Bachelor: Creating an American Subculture.Gorn, Elliott J. (1986). The Manly Art: Bare-Knuckle Prize Fighting in America.Gabor, Mark (1984). The Illustrated History of Girlie Magazines: From National Police Gazette to the Present.Smith, Gene and Jayne Barry Smith (1972). The Police Gazette.Van Every, Edward (1930). Sins of New York as "Exposed" by the Police Gazette. Publication history The magazine was founded by two journalists, Enoch E. Camp, an attorney, and George Wilkes, a transcontinental railroad booster., pp. 32-33. It began as a chronicler of crime and criminals, intended for consumption by the general public. In 1866, Wilkes and Camp sold the Gazette to George W. Matsell. The editor and proprietor from 1877 until his death in 1922 was Richard Kyle Fox, an immigrant from Ireland. Richard Kyle Fox was editor and proprietor of the Gazette from 1877 to 1922 Ostensibly devoted to matters of interest to the police, it was a tabloid-like publication, with lurid coverage of murders, Wild West outlaws, and sport. It was well known for its engravings and photographs of scantily clad strippers, burlesque dancers, and prostitutes, often skirting on the edge of what was legally considered obscenity. For decades it was a staple furnishing of barber shops, where men would peruse it awaiting their turn. The publication's association with barber shops was noted in a Vaudeville routine in which the straight man asked "Seen the Police Gazette?," and his partner replied "No, I shave myself." The National Police Gazette enjoyed considerable popularity in the late 19th century and early decades of the 20th century. Its popularity decreased during the Great Depression.American Heritage article , 1972 In 1932 the Police Gazette ceased publication, and was sold at auction for a nominal sum. Publication was suspended from Feb. 11, 1932 until Sept. 5, 1933,Mott, Frank L. A history of American magazines 1850-1865, p. 325. when it was revived under the ownership of the Donenfelds, who placed it in the editorial hands of Mrs. Merle W. Hersey, the ex-wife of Harold Hersey. During this period the paper appeared twice a month and took on more of the flavor of a girlie magazine. The Donenfeld/Hersey regime did not last long. The magazine changed hands again within a year, coming into the possession of Harold H. Roswell and becoming a monthly publication in 1935. The National Police Gazette continued as a monthly publication in Roswell's hands for many years. The Canadian newspaper publisher Joseph Azaria took it over in 1968,Down, Fred. "Police Gazette still roars after spanning 126 years", Milwaukee Journal, Nov. 1, 1971. and it finally ceased print publication in 1977. In September 1942, the U.S. Post Office barred delivery of the publication through the mail because of its "obscene and lewd pictures." In its heyday it was immensely influential. In the first part of the 20th century, the US became the center for professional boxing. It was generally accepted that the "world champions" were those listed by the Police Gazette.Britannica. Police Gazette, Britannicaonline Online Fox handed diamond-studded belts to champion prizefighters. After 1920, the National Boxing Association began to sanction "title fights". Annual Publication From 1896 to 1918 pgsa.shtml, a Sporting Annual was published as a yearly summary of statistics in the sporting world. The guide touted themselves as "Statistics and Best Performances in Pugilism, Athletics, Bicycling, Rowing, Baseball, Trotting, and Racing." The 200+ page publication was compiled by Sam C. Austin, editor of the Police Gazette. Although primarily focused on boxing, there are dozens of unique illustrations and summaries on other sports that are of particular interest to those studying the history of sports. Cover of Sporting Annual from 1896 Cover of Sporting Annual from 1909 Frank Samuelsen and George Harbo Record-setting Fox surf boat. In 1896, the Police Gazette also allegedly offered a prize of $10,000 (about $300,000 in 2018 money) to the first to row across the Atlantic Ocean, though no contemporary source exists confirming a Police Gazette offer of any significant monetary prize. In the same year, George Harbo and Frank Samuelsen invested their savings in an 18-foot rowboat, which they named 'Fox' after the editor of the Gazette, Richard K. Fox. Despite crossing the Atlantic in 55 days (a record not broken until 2010, albeit by a team of four rowers) the Police Gazette never paid the men the promised prize money, though no contemporary sources exist showing the money was ever offered by the Police Gazette or that the men were expecting a substantial sum from the Gazette. Numerous sources report the men were expecting either no money or only whatever money could be raised from exhibitions following successful completion of the voyage.New York World, 13 Feb 1896, p16.New York Herald, 6 Jun 1896, p7.New York Herald, 21 Mar 1897, p2. Sources also show Richard K. Fox and the Police Gazette offered and provided towing of the 'Fox' to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the last outside propulsion used by Harbo and Samuelsen until reaching Europe; payment of expenses incurred by the American consulate in Le Havre for their food, clothing, and temporary shelter upon reaching the continent; two gold medals commemorating the achievement; and publicity within the pages of the Police Gazette.True Log of the Fox at Police Gazette, 22 Aug 1896, p6.National Police Gazette, 12 Sep 1896, p11. The Gazette was also the only newspaper willing to attach its name to the endeavor as others considered it too risky.New York World, 2 Aug 1896, p10. Entertainment coverage of the vaudeville stage On July 27, 1901 appeared as one of National Police Gazette headlines for reviews of popular entertainers, "Paragraphs of Interest Concerning the Stage Lives and Doings of Vaudeville People, Here can be Found Many Items Which Will Interest Performers as Well as Theater Goers, Professionals Requested to Send in Photos." On the list of favorably reviewed entertainers that included ventriloquists, minstrels, songsters, aerialists, and comedians was listed Pat H. Chappelle and his The Rabbit's Foot Company among other vaudeville shows."Paragraphs of Interest of Vaudeville People Concerning the Stage ..." National Police Gazette, July 27, 1901. Current incarnation Since 2007, the National Police Gazette has been managed by National Police Gazette Enterprises, LLC, which houses the official Police Gazette magazine archive, publishes new content online, puts out compilations of classic content from the past, provides a research service, and manages Police Gazette trademarks and copyrights. Bare Knuckle Boxing The Police Gazette was the first organized boxing sanctioning body in America, declaring its intention in 1881 and issuing championships beginning in 1882. Integral to the Police Gazette Rules was the requirement that championships be contested bare knuckle. Though all professional championship boxing was technically illegal, the Gazette continued as the bare-knuckle sanctioning organization until 1894 when it was clear gloved boxing would be the only acceptable mainstream version of the sport. In March 2018, Wyoming became the first jurisdiction to legalize bare-knuckle fighting at the state level, and formal bare knuckle events have been happening since June 2018. In response, National Police Gazette Enterprises, LLC, in partnership with the Bare Knuckle Boxing Hall of Fame of Belfast, NY, created the Police Gazette Boxing Corporation as the successor to the Police Gazette's original bare knuckle boxing sanctioning activities. Current Police Gazette Champions are the lineal bare knuckle champions going back to those in the 19th century, such as John L. Sullivan. References Explanatory notes Citations External links *National Police Gazette, official site. Police Gazette Police Gazette Category:Defunct magazines published in the United States Category:Magazines established in 1845 Category:Magazines disestablished in 1977 Category:Magazines published in New York City "