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❤️ List of neighborhoods of Porto Alegre ☘️

"Below is a list of the 78 bairros (neighborhoods) and four territories of Porto Alegre, Brazil. A * Aberta dos Morros * Agronomia * Anchieta * Arquipélago * Auxiliadora * Azenha B * Bela Vista * Belém Novo * Belém Velho * Boa Vista * Bom Fim * Bom Jesus C * Camaquã * Cascata * Cavalhada * Cel. Aparício Borges * Centro * Chácara das Pedras * Cidade Baixa * Cristal * Cristo Redentor E * Espírito Santo F * Farrapos * Farroupilha * Floresta G * Glória * Guarujá H * Higienópolis * Hípica * Humaitá I * Independência * Ipanema J * Jardim Botânico * Jardim Carvalho * Jardim do Salso * Jardim Isabel * Jardim Floresta * Jardim Itu-Sabará * Jardim Lindoia * Jardim São Pedro L * Lami * Lomba do Pinheiro M * Marcílio Dias * Mário Quintana * Medianeira * Menino Deus * Moinhos de Vento * Mont' Serrat N * Navegantes * Nonoai P * Partenon * Passo d'Areia * Pedra Redonda * Petrópolis * Ponta Grossa * Praia de Belas R * Restinga * Rio Branco * Rubem Berta S * Santa Cecília * Santa Maria Goretti * Santa Tereza * Santana * Santo Antônio * São Geraldo * São João * São José * São Sebastião * Sarandi * Serraria T * Teresópolis * Três Figueiras * Tristeza V * Vila Assunção * Vila Conceição * Vila Ipiranga * Vila Jardim * Vila João Pessoa * Vila Nova Porto Alegre Neighborhoods of Porto Alegre "

❤️ New World Agriculture and Ecology Group ☘️

"The New World Agriculture and Ecology Group (NWAEG) is an organization focused on sustainable agriculture, conservation biology and social justice. History Originally known as the New World Agriculture Group, NWAEG (pronounced "new-ag") became active in the 1980s. NWAEG drew inspiration from the 1970s-1980s Science for the People movement, and many of its founding members were active in Science for the People. NWAEG's best-known project was an intensive effort to provide agricultural research and extension services to the Nicaraguan people during the Sandinista era. Cuba and Chiapas, Mexico are locations of other NWAEG projects, exemplifying the group's informal focus on Latin America. ReferencesExternal links * Cornell University NWAEG Chapter Category:International environmental organizations "

❤️ Melvich ☘️

"Melvich (from Norse Mel Vik – "sand dune bay" – rendered into ) is a village in the county of Sutherland on the north coast of Scotland. It is situated on the A836 road, near the mouth of the River Halladale. It has a successful Gaelic choir. The A897 road which runs from Helmsdale, through the Strath of Kildonan and past Kinbrace, terminates at Melvich. Melvich Bay ReferencesExternal links * Ordnance Survey Grid reference for Melvich * The Melvich Gaelic Choir Category:Populated places in Sutherland Melvich "

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